Review of Movie: Late Night (2019) Available on Netflix_In

I have a 5-minute rule for watching movies. If the movie doesn’t pique my interest in those first 5 minutes, I don’t watch it unless it’s an exception.

Movie ‘Late Night’ on Netflix was not on my list. As usual, I opened Netflix and something drew me towards this movie – Maybe Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling (Quite an unusual pairing). As the movie started, I got reminded of one of my favourite series – The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel and Netflix having this Amazon Original movie did seem sinister. Well, to make it obvious, there are too many similarities between this movie and Mrs. Maisel episodes where she is one of the writers in a Talk show – there is also a common denominator: the actor Reid Scott.

Well 5 minutes into the movie, I was drawn to it and the top reason – the dialogues. The lines are slick, witty, funny (obvio), and relevant. A lot of these themes are part of our daily lives – pleasing the bosses, getting fired and rehired, getting cheated on, being given wrong hopes by suave debonairs, and finding how candour gets on people’s nerves.

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