Review of Movie: Mrs. Harris goes to Paris on Netflix

Can a movie be predictable yet riveting? Can it depict a bygone era and still be refreshing? Can it be centred around one person and yet talk about so many topics? Yes, it can! That’s exactly how one would feel when watching this little gem of a movie “Mrs. Harris goes to Paris”, available on Netflix.

I am a sucker for “Historical Drama” and “Slice of Life” movies – people going on with their daily lives in the past makes me instantly happy. I feel I am going through the daily life of a friend who I might have known in a parallel universe. This movie goes through tough decisions that Mrs. Harris has to make as she ventures out to fulfil her dream. The happiness on her face when she lays her eyes on a precious thing would highlight the child and desire that is present in this 50+ year old maid, who has an unenviable list of people she works for. This movie talks about some of the pertinent topics of the time, which has relevance today too. All’s well that ends well and that is what will stay with you – the way things turn around for the amazing Mrs. Harris, played effortlessly by Leslie Manville. I have seen some of her past work but this movie let me stop and take note of her, shining through this role, beautifully written by Paul Gallico in 1958. I do wish to read the novel now.

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